Pašnodarbini sevi

Pašnodarbini sevi


Projekts ''Pašnodarbini sevi'' angliskais nosaukums ''employYOURself'' izstrādāja un īstenoja apmācītājs un asociācijas ''Fundacja Młodzi dla Europy'' dibinātājs no Polijas Mateušs Goreckis, poļu valodā Mateusz Górecki. Projekta apmācību pasākumā, kurš noritēja no 14 līdz 21 novembrim '14, Vislas pilsētā Polijā piedalījās 26 dalībnieki no Latvijas, Polijas, Itālijas un Maķedonijas.

Training "employYOUrself " emphasizes the idea that young people should shape and change current job market by becoming more enthusiastic and courageous to the creation of jobs for themselves.

During the project we plan to visit the business incubators, talk to young entrepreneurs about their experiences , as well as to carry out the activity of building a team and a lot more, including a group work and creative tasks (all based on the principles of non-formal education ).

The subject of our activities relate to the development of entrepreneurial attitudes and initiative among young Europeans and to promote social and cultural entrepreneurship. One of the main objectives of the training is a summary of experiences from different departments, methodologies, organizations and individuals to discover different approaches to learning and teaching the art of entrepreneurship.

Project will be the cornerstone of establishing the new European knowledge and friendship, exchange of best practices, experiences, the knowledge of the Erasmus + , and the continuation of cooperation between organizations, also in future projects.


Šis projekts tiek finansēts ar Eiropas Komisijas atbalstu. Šī publikācija atspoguļo vienīgi autoru uzskatus, un Komisijai nevar uzlikt atbildību par tajā ietvertās informācijas jebkuru iespējamo izlietojumu